πŸ”ŒGuide to add Guild Stamp to Passport

This detailed guide is designed to assist you in adding the Guild stamp to your Gitcoin Passport. This stamp not only showcases your active involvement in various Guilds but also enhances your trustworthiness and credibility within the web3 ecosystem.

Cost: Free ($0)

Time: 10 minutes

Validity: 90 days


  • For the Guild Admin Stamp:

    • You must be an owner or admin of at least one Guild

    • The Guild must have more than 250 members

  • Guild Passport Member Stamp:

How to verify your Guild Stamp

You need to ensure that you are eligible to claim the stamp. Browse to https://guild.xyz/explorer and connect your wallet to see the Guilds you are a member of. It will look like this:

Please note that on this page, you will see:

  • All Guilds you are a member of

  • The total number of roles available within those Guilds

  • The total number of members in those Guilds

After checking that you’re eligible for the stamp, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://passport.gitcoin.co/ and "Sign in with Ethereum" to access your dashboard.

  2. Click Connect on the Guild Membership and Roles stamp card.

  3. Click β€œVerify” to claim all the credentials that you are eligible for.

  4. Confirm your account is now verified. You can confirm this by seeing the button that previously read as Connect Account will now say Verified.


If you encounter any issues during this process, our support team is ready to assist. You can reach out through the chat feature available at the bottom right corner of the Gitcoin Passport app. We're here to ensure a smooth verification process.

Last updated