Custom Passport dashboards and scores

TL:DR – Passport enables partners to customize dashboards and scores based on their ecosystem’s unique needs. Because of this, you will have different Unique Humanity Scores, and might see customized dashboards built for different partners.

The Passport team puts a lot of time and effort into developing our Stamp and their associated weights to make sure partners can take advantage of highly effective sybil defense while users can benefit from ease of use when proving their unique humanity.

However, the standard Stamps and weights may not always fit specific ecosystems.

Because of this, Passport enables partners to develop custom scores and dashboards.

This means that you will see different partner dashboards that have reduced Stamp offerings and unique score weights per Stamp. In addition, you will have different Unique Humanity Scores for different partners.


If you navigate to the primary Passport app ( without any partners names included in the URL), you will see our full list of available Stamps and the score weights developed by the Passport data science team. This set of Stamps and score is what most partners will use with their integration when protecting programs.

Let’s use Avalanche as an example.

For one of the 2024 campaigns that Avalanche ran, they are verifying users with just two Stamps: Civic and Holonym. If you navigate to the Avalanche dashboard at the following link (, you will see that only the Civic and Holonym Stamps are displayed with different score weights, as well as a custom Avalanche Unique Humanity Score.

Using Stamps across different dashboards

It is important to note that your verified Stamps will be recognized by different custom dashboards and scores.

In other words, if you verify a Stamp via the Passport app, that Stamp will also be verified via all custom partner dashboards and scores.

In our above example with Avalanche, if you had already verified the Holonym Stamp with the main Passport app, you will also see that this Stamp is verified within the Avalanche app.

At this time, the Passport score weight for Holonym is 16.03 points, but the Avalanche score weight for Holonym is 25.

Last updated