Creating a Passport

Your Passport journey starts here!

You can quickly and easily create your Passport using the Passport app, but we'll go through more detailed instructions below.

Set up your wallet

First, you need an Ethereum account. Accounts are wallets/addresses that store assets and data on the Ethereum network, protected by cryptographic keys. You can interact with your accounts using a wallet. If you do not already have an Ethereum wallet, you can create one.

You can learn about wallets and find instructions for creating one at

Once you have your Ethereum wallet, visit the Passport app at

Sign into Passport

When you arrive you'll see an option to "Sign in With Ethereum". This allows you to sign in without having to hand over any data to any central organization - your wallet uses your cryptographic keys to prove you own the account.

When you click "Sign in with Ethereum" you will be prompted to connect your wallet.

Your Passport is associated with your Ethereum address, so be sure to connect a wallet you use regularly. This will allow you to accrue Stamps as you participate in Web3!

With your wallet connected, you'll be prompted to sign a message. Signing a message is a way of proving that you are the owner of a particular address and that you authorize some action. In this case, you are allowing the app to sign in with your Ethereum account and access your data on Ceramic.

If this is your first time using the Passport app, you will get a new Passport created for you. You won't have any Stamps yet, but you are now ready to start collecting them and generating a Passport score.

Next, head to our page describing Stamps to start verifying credentials and building up your Passport score!

Last updated

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