I have a Binance Account Bound Token (BABT) from Binance. Why can’t I claim the Stamp?


The Binance Account Bound Token (BABT) is a great way to build up points within your Passport. If you haven't already reviewed our guide on verifying this Stamp, you can do so here:

How to add the Binance Stamp

Reviewing addresses

This is likely because your Binance Account Bound Token (BABT) is linked to a different wallet than the one used for your Passport. Please check the following things to make sure this is set up properly:

  1. Check which wallet you're logged into with Passport — you can see this in the top-right corner of the app.

  2. Check which wallet you used within Binance to get your BABT. You can either do this via the BABT site, or by looking up your wallet via BscScan and look at your "Token Holdings" within the "Overview" section.

  3. Make sure your Passport address and your BABT address is the same.

Transferring BABT

If you accidentally verified BABT with a different wallet address than what you're using with Passport, you can follow these instructions to transfer the BABT and become eligible for this Stamp:

  1. Revoke our BABT from your old wallet address.

  2. Wait for 72 hours.

  3. Then mint the BABT again on the wallet that you're using with Passport.

Verified Binance Stamp is showing a zero (0) score

If you've successfully verified the Binance Stamp and it is showing a zero score, this likely means that your Binance Stamp was recently verified with a different wallet address.

We describe this situation in the following guide:

Why is my Passport score not adding up?

Last updated