My wallet was hacked (or compromised). Can I move my scores to a new Passport?

We're sorry to hear about your compromised wallet.

Luckily we do have a workaround for you! The vast majority of our Stamps can be transferred to a new wallet pretty quickly by following a specific set of steps, outlined below.

Before we get into this, there is one thing that you’ll need to understand:

The following steps will work properly with partner programs, but will display a zero (0) score for duplicate Stamps via the Passport app. You can ignore the 0 score for these Stamps in the Passport app, knowing that they are being scored properly by the partner program.

  1. Create a new Passport using your new wallet

  2. Start to verify Stamps with this new Passport – We’ll provide some Stamp-specific instructions below.

  3. When trying to participate with a protected partner program, you will need to submit this new wallet first.

The partner will see the Stamps with the proper scores within their system, and should provide you access if you have a passing score.

For wallets with duplicate Stamps, similar to this situation, it all depends on which wallet is submitted to a partner first. All others that are trying to claim the same Stamp and are submitted to the same partner will receive zero points for the duplicate Stamps.

For the scores to show up properly in the Passport app for your new wallet, you will need to wait until the Stamps expire (after 90 days) from your old account.

Here are some specific instructions, per Stamp, on how to transfer to a new account:

  • Binance – Follow instructions on the BABT website. You will need to revoke the BABT from your old account, then wait for 72 hrs, and then mint the BABT again on your new wallet.

  • Coinbase – You can attest to your new wallet at Coinbase Onchain Verify

  • Civic - For the uniqueness credential, you must revoke your previous pass for a new uniqueness credential to be issued.

Last updated

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