We've curated a collection of some commonly asked questions about Passport. Don't see an answer to the question you have? Let us know by reaching out on the Gitcoin Discord, and we'll consider adding it.

πŸ€”Why do I need to rescore my passport after collecting a new stamp?πŸ€”How is Passport’s score calculated?πŸ€”How do I unlink a Passport from my Gitcoin account?πŸ€”Why have my stamps expired?πŸ€”What is Ceramic?


πŸ’»Can I add a new Stamp to Passport?πŸ’»Can I integrate Passport into my dapp?

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Don't see an answer to your question? Join the Gitcoin Discord or reach out to our support team via live chat on our website or email at support@passport.xyz.

Last updated